整个公司, 在我们的办公室, 世界各地, 我们不断挑战今天,重塑明天.
- Challenging today is our response to the increasing complexity our world is experiencing.
它要求我们联合起来, putting our knowledge and imagination together to reinvent the way we solve problems and shape the next generation of innovative solutions. - Reinventing tomorrow is our promise and an invitation to raise the bar in everything we do.
我们与客户共同创造卓越的解决方案, 为我们为员工创造的开放包容的文化干杯. 从我们对社区产生的积极影响, 我们为股东带来的附加价值.
Our values
我们总是正直行事,对我们的工作负责, 关爱员工,关注安全和可持续发展. 我们对客户、员工和社区进行投资,这样我们才能共同成长.
我们知道,为了创造一个更美好的未来,我们必须提出一些难题. 我们总是保持好奇,不害怕尝试新事物.
We do not settle – always looking beyond to raise the bar and deliver with excellence. We are committed to our clients by bringing innovative solutions that lead to profitable growth and shared success.
我们把人放在我们业务的核心. 我们接受不同的观点,通过合作产生积极的影响. 通过无与伦比的专注于包容性与多元化的有远见的团队, 思想家和实干家, 我们在彼此之间以及公司内部建立信任.
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作为对我们安全的全球性挑战, 健康和能力的发展, we stay focused on managing HSE and security risks effectively and leveraging our Culture of Caring℠ to deliver the best outcomes for our people, 环境和我们的公司.
Our new BeyondZero®策略 继续开车更安全, 更安全的, healthier, and more resilient future and we are maturing our business continuity program to assure business delivery and resilience in an ever-changing operational environment.
我们新的全球健康战略整合了身体健康, mental, financial, 雅各布斯员工及其家人的社会和工作场所福利. 该策略包括 雅各布斯的《亚洲体育博彩平台》, 与全球精神卫生专业人员合作制定, to provide a free mental health check-in tool with a resources website that enable users to check their own mental health and access proactive strategies for personal mental health development.
从我们经营业务的方式来看, 我们与客户和合作伙伴共同创造可持续的解决方案, 我们继续寻找创造积极环境的方法, 企业的社会和经济差异, 世界各地的政府和社区.
在21财年,我们推出了 Jacobs PlanBeyond℠2.0 — our enhanced sustainable business approach that propels the integration of sustainability throughout our operations and client solutions in alignment with the UN SDGs.
Jacobs’ new 首页 列出我们下一阶段的气候减缓和适应承诺, which build on the progress we have made since the release of our initial plan on the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day in 2020.
- 确保每个项目都成为应对气候变化的机会
- 到2040年实现整个价值链温室气体净零排放
- Maintaining carbon neutrality status and 100% low-carbon electricity for our operations
We are proud to be the first consultancy and one of the world’s first companies with net-zero targets approved by the 科学减排倡议. 自2019年以来,我们的碳排放量减少了45%,我们为此感到自豪. 我们很自豪能够为我们的运营采购100%的低碳电力. 我们很自豪能成为一个碳中和组织.